UX Design Project


ReVibe is a SexTech product designed to help paraplegic penis owners experience self pleasure.

Revibe Cover
Revibe Screens Cover


ReVibe is a Sextech solution that is specifically tailored and designed for paraplegic(wheel chair bound) penis owners by carefully considering their pain points they face during self pleasure. This solution is a means for them to experience self pleasure considering their physical limitations.


Project Type - College Project(Group of 2)
Duration - 1 month
My roles - Reddit Research, UX Mapping, Ideation, Sitemap, UI Design, Product Design

Data Gathering Goals

  • Discover the primary challenges encountered by individuals with paraplegia in pursuing a fulfilling sexual life.
  • Examine the current void in the market and the present as well as prospective technological advancements within the realm of sexual health.

Target Users:
1. The person should have a penis
2. The person is wheelchair bound(paraplegic)

Research goals

Research Methodology

Research Methodology

User Group

Paraplegics or individuals with lower body paralysis

Paraplegia is the loss of muscle function in the lower half of the body, including both legs. The extent and effects of the paralysis can vary based on the location and severity of the underlying condition.

User group
Why paraplegic men

Research reveals significant issues: 95% of men with paralysis experience ejaculatory function problems, 75% face erectile dysfunction, and 39% suffer from reduced libido.

Why only penis owners?

  • SexTech needs specific tailoring for different genders because of the obvious reason - sexuality is different for different genders, it could be genatile regions, erogenous regions or simply preferences
  • Online data showed a lot of paralyzed penis owners complaining about sexual frustration(more than women)
  • Penis owners can achieve an erection in two ways(excluding drug based) - Mental stimulation, physical stimulation. Paraplegic penis owners complained about not able to achieve an erection thorugh mental stimulation.
Cactus shaped like a penis
Sex toy pie chart

Primary Research

What is the importance of sexual pleasure?

Need of sexual pleasure

A talk with paraplegic army veteran
Question: Are you aware of the intersection of Sexual Health and technology?
Answer: “Unfortunately I don’t. I haven’t come across anything that talks about us and our needs. Due to my condition, I’m now part of the minorities and to be honest, who do I even speak to about this? I do have a group of friends who are fellow paraplegics, but even among us we don’t dare to speak about this due to our own apprehensions”

Question: Do you consider the potential for elevating the conversation to a larger platform for advocacy on sexual health rights for paraplegic men
Answer: “It definitely is. If it’s so difficult for someone like me who is fairly educated, I feel it would even difficult for the ones who aren’t. We definitely get the rehabilitations we need- physical and mental therapy, but I never spoke about this even with my physician. So, it’s not just among me and my friends, but it should be made normal to talk about with our own doctors.”

Unfortunately we were not able to continue our interview with the veteran because of the discomfort he faced on such a sensitive topic

Reddit based research
Since we were not able to find direct users, we switched to reddit.

We performed a content analysis within an online Reddit community to uncover and comprehend the challenges experienced by men with lower-body paralysis concerning sexual pleasure.
Reddit was an ideal platform due to its anonymity rules, considering the sensitive nature of the topic. The users we studied are regular people discussing their daily life problems, and they aren't usually involved in discussions as experts.

Reddit gif
Reddit framework

Subreddits we used to gather information

  • r/sex
  • r/disabled
  • r/askreddit
  • r/sextoys
  • r/disabledsex
  • r/askmen

Apart from the data that was already present on reddit, we wanted to ask our question:
"I'm Male, 26 and have been bound to a wheelchair for 1.5 years. I have little to no sensation below my waist. Wanted to ask my fellow disabled men out here how you experience self-pleasure. Any tips or experiences to share? What helped you guys experience sexual pleasure again?"

We figured that we get more responses when there is a personal touch to the question asked.

We gathered the responses, filtered them out and organised them

Reddit responses


  • Achieving erection is not easy as there is not feeling in the genital area
  • Loss of muscle control below waist
  • Ejaculation gets difficult
  • Orgasm is not the same, it feels like release of tension and legs become less spastic and loose
  • 90% of men lose the ability to orgasm just by normal masturbation using hand
  • Specific types of vibrations help men ejaculate
  • Many users mentioned sex toy named HotOctopuss, that helped them orgasm and ejaculate
  • Reduced libido
  • Rehabilitation centers did not consider sexuality as a problem at all. Most men were asked to live with this sexual frustration
  • Escort service was sometimes used to help the men, some found this to be immoral

Secondary Research

From research papers and articles

  • Orgasm may be generated cerebrally without afferent input from the genitals by stimulating the septal area of the brain.
  • The prostate, or “male G spot,” is a small organ that can provide pleasure. It is located inside the body, between the base of the penis and the rectum.
  • Some common erogenous zones include: The lips, Inner thighs, lower abdomen/pubic area, The nipples, The perineum Earlobes, Buttocks
  • Rehabilitation : When natural stimulation does not produce ejaculation in men with Spinal Cord Injury(SCI), penile vibratory stimulation (PVS) is advised.
  • SCI had a significant impact on sexual arousal and orgasm physiological response, although the sexual desire perception was not significantly altered
  • Pulseplate technology is a type of vibration that allows paralysed people to orgasm. Click here to view the article

From podcasts

Podcast data

SexTech? What is it?

SexTech is technology, and technology-driven ventures, designed to enhance, innovate and disrupt in every area of human sexuality and human sexual experience. The goal of SexTech is to create new and innovative ways to enhance human sexual experiences, as well as to improve sexual health and education.

“Sexual health is a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being related to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity”
World Health Organization identifies good sexual health as a human right and this right includes both freedom and entitlement.

sexuality and tech intersection
Sextech market graph
Sextech market outlook Analytics on sextech Major events

Only the general population?
SexTech is becoming increasingly popular. But who is SexTech catering to? From research, most of the market products are for general population - from teenagers beginning to explore their sexuality to adults who want to try new stuff.

Who are being ignored?
Disabled population
LGBTQ+ community
Long distance couples

Why current sex toys do not work for out user group?
Currently, sex toys made for penises are generally sleeves(fleshlights). These require an erect penis to work. Since our user group cannot achieve the same without stimulation, these products are useless to them.

Sextoy ownership

Landscape of Sextech

Sextech landscape

Competitor Analysis

The HotOctopuss
HotOctopuss was one of the product mentioned in the Reddit responses gathered during our primary research. In order to understand the product landscape, we conducted an analysis for the product that may form the basis for the development of our solution.



  • Works on a flaccid penis
  • Pulseplate vibration made for stimulation of penis
  • Comes in both solo pleasure and pleasure with partner
  • Only vibrator that stimulates frenulum(foreskin to head of penis connection tissue)
  • Waterproof
  • Discrete
  • Portable


  • Low battery life
  • Is not appropriate for cleanup as both ends are open
  • No proper inner wall, feels like plastic
  • Single motor is not enough to stimulate different parts of the penis
  • Does not fit all penis sizes - length and girth
  • No remote control, manual adjustments required

Data Synthesis

In this stage, we analysed our raw research data and synthesized the information into a more understandable manner.

Problem Statement

“Paraplegic penis owners often do not have the ability to experience self pleasure due to their physical condition.”

Redefined Target User Group

target group


We segregated the data we had into goals and challenges


Story of a Paraplegic




  • A functional and user-friendly SexTech product tailored to the needs of paraplegic men.
  • Enhanced sexual experiences and improved overall sexual well-being for the target user group.
  • A model for inclusive product development in the field of sexual wellness technology.
  • Increased awareness and understanding of the challenges faced by paraplegic men in the context of sexual well-being.


  • The project focuses specifically on paraplegic men, potentially excluding other segments of the population with different mobility challenges.
  • Due to the sensitive nature of the topic, ethical considerations and user privacy must be maintained throughout the project.

This project aims to contribute to a more comprehensive and compassionate approach to sexual well-being technology, ensuring that individuals with paraplegia are not left underserved in their pursuit of fulfilling sexual lives.

After multiple discussions, we decided to come up with a sextoy, later on we had an idea to create an application to go along as well:

Product Ideation:

Product ideas Product design ideas

Application Ideation:

Application ideas

We brainstormed further, did branding ideas and came up with the name ReVibe. With whatever ideas we had collected, we decided to go further with the design because of the time constraints.

Design and Prototype

We had a clear picture of what we wanted to do, but included new ideas as well during designing phase as well.

Product Design

We addressed the different pain points users face when using a sextoy. The HotOctpuss was an inspiration, but we considered its limitations and designed a product that focuses on paraplegic penis owners.

Product render 1 Product render 2

Application Design

We came up with an eggplant resembling mascot to add a superhero sidekick feel to the application. We even named him Eggbert.
The idea is to make the user of the product a hero, and this mascot as a sidekick to the hero's self pleasure journey with our product.
The application follows a quirky, superhero theme to which adds a personality to the entire product.

The mighty Eggbert provides tips and tricks within the app for first time users, and also in the tutorial section.

Eggbert mascot

Information Architecture

After multiple iterations, we came up with an IA to give a clarity on the flow of the app.

Information architecture



Design Library

Design System



Beyond a sex toy, ReVibe is an innovation that redefines the landscape of intimate exploration, breaking free from limitations. This application promises an unparalleled experience, celebrating the uniqueness of every individual's intimate journey. Users gain control over the ReVibe device through the app, become part of an exclusive community, access tutorials on sexual and personal health, and craft an anonymous avatar — all seamlessly integrated to enhance their experience.

Thank you for viewing our case study!

Bye Bye

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